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Jan 17, 2025
Efforts for LGBTQ initiatives in the workplace are recognized.
This index was first formulated by wwP in Japan in 2016, with the aim of "creating workplaces for LGBTQ people in Japan across the frameworks of businesses, organizations and other such groups." This index gives awards in three ranks of Gold, Silver and Bronze by evaluating policies holistically across five categories: "Policy" (declarations of action), "Representation" (applicable minority communities within the company), "Inspiration" (awareness campaigns), "Development" (personnel system and program), and "Engagement / Empowerment" (social contribution / public relations activities). In addition, from 2021, a new Rainbow certification was established to recognize companies that go beyond just in-house initiatives and promote collaboration across sectors.
ARKRAY's basic policy for the SDGs is to respect the individuality of each employee and create a comfortable and pleasant work environment, thereby fostering human resources who will carry on the company's founding ethos: to take on challenges.
As one of our various efforts, we have acquired the "PRIDE Index" in order to promote the development of an environment where LGBTQ people can work comfortably and to visualize the efforts through objective evaluation by a third party as a guideline for further improvement.
- Clearly stating "Do not engage in any conduct that offends an individual's personal dignity on the basis of age, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity etc. (summary)." in the company's Code of Conduct*.
- Establishment of various regulations, benefit programs, and internal consultation services relating to employees with same-sex partners.
- Implementation of e-learning for all employees.
- Making the gender column in the recruitment process an optional field.
- Installation of gender-neutral restrooms in the head offices of the four ARKRAY Group companies.
- Participation in the Kyoto Rainbow Pride Parade.
- Publication of guidance allowing use of a chosen name on the company's portal site
- Introduction of an ally* on the company's portal site, who anyone can freely consult
*Ally: A person who understands and acts to support sexual minorities such as LGBTQ+.