Spanclone is a Monoclonal Agglutination Sera for the Determination of Human Blood groups (ABO).
- High avidity with clear cut visible agglutination.
- High antibody titer.
- No cross reactivity with acquired B Antigen.
- Free from HIV-1/2 antibodies, anti-HCV antibodies and HBsAg.
- Colour coded reagents for ease of identification and interpretation, confirming to international Standards.
- AABB, FDA & NIBSC guideline, (UK) are followed for standard.
- Available Blood Grouping & Typing Antisera are
- SpanClone Anti - A, Anti-B & Anti-AB (Monoclonal).
- SpanClone Anti-D (Rho) (Monoclonal) - IgM & IgG+IgM.
- Anti_Human (Coomb's) Serum.
- Anti-A1 Lectin.
- Bovine Albumin 22%.
*This product isn't approved by FDA or CFDA.